Covid 19 and Your Legal Matters

Like most people, we have spent the last year dealing with COVID-19 and making adjustments to how we work and live. Some of these adjustments are temporary while some are here to stay. If you need our help, we are available for to you while also endeavoring to keep you safe. Our plan for operating in currently is:

  • We are primarily meeting with clients through video conferencing or by telephone. We know that many people desire to sit across a table from us and would prefer in-person meetings. While we are all struggling with our desire to return to what we remember as normal, we have decided that if you do not need to physically be in our presence, we are not bringing people into our office. Our office building remains closed to the general public, but if you need to come to our office, just call to let us know you need us and we will plan to make that possible.
  • We are available during business hours and have increased our ability to be reached during the pandemic. You should be able to have messages returned as usual in line with our pre-pandemic practices and should be able to reach a person much more quickly than in the beginning of the pandemic.
  • In the interest of limiting how much exposure everyone who may be in our building and in our office has to COVID-19 while it is still spreading, help us protect you, ourselves, and the other people who you may want to bring to our office or who work in our building, do not bring anyone with you to in-person meetings. We may need to meet or speak with others as we handle your matter and if we do, we will do that. We also understand that when you consult with us, you may be upset or scared or simply want another person for support but right now, if you have to come in to our office, the most supportive thing we can do is not place others at risk.
  • Always wear a mask if you do have to come to our office. We wear masks to protect you from the potential spread of COVID-19 and require that you do so as well.

Currently, courts in Forsyth County, North Carolina are conducting hearings primarily by video conferencing. We will help you if you have a hearing to receive the necessary links or provide a way for you to participate. Other counties in which we have clients have different and changing procedures. If you have a date for a hearing, please stay in touch with us to make sure no changes have been made immediately prior to that date. Conditions continue to change and courts make announcements concerning their operations which may be very close in time to your hearing.

We are available to you and want to help with your legal needs. Help us keep you safe. The link to the most recent Emergency Directives from the Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court is below:


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